7 Days in your Outdoor Studio

7 Days in your Outdoor Studio

Your Outdoor Studio is open! No commute. No scheduling. You don't even need a mat or props.

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7 Days in your Outdoor Studio
  • Full Body Mobility

    Exclusive routine from Work IN: The Athlete's Plan for Real Recovery and Winning Results!
    Gently mobilize your body to increase fluidity to muscles, surrounding tissues, and joints to ease stiffness and restore range of motion. Use this routine to Work IN.
    Includes a pre/post practice check in — ...

  • Power Your Push Off

    Your glutes are the Boss of your "push off," so make sure they're doing their job. Use this routine to activate and strengthen your butt while mimicking forward motion to add stability and power to your stride.
    - Focus: strength, performance
    - Key muscles: hips, glutes
    - When: pre-run or cross-tr...

  • Workout Day Warm Up

    Use this dynamic warm up to encourage turnover while connecting your mind, body, and breath. Incorporates low reps to hit all your key running muscles quickly including activation for your glutes, back, and core to help you get the most out of the miles ahead.
    - Focus: warm up, performance
    - Key ...

  • Quick Hip Reset

    Good news for your hip woes: A little bit of functional stretching goes a long way! Use this quick restorative sequence to maintain optimal range of motion, and ease stiffness, muscular imbalances, and low back pain along the way.
    - Focus: hip flexibility
    - Key muscles: hips, glutes
    - When: post-...

  • Core Balance

    Use this core routine to activate and strengthen your front and back "packs" while moving your arms and legs in opposition — mimicking functional movement and easing muscular imbalances as you go.
    – Focus: core strength
    – Key muscles: core, back
    – When: pre-workout or cross-training

  • 5-Minute Foot Reset

    Reboot your foundation. This quick Reset will ease tired feet and prevent lower leg and foot strain and injuries.
    - Focus: injury prevention, recovery
    - Key muscles: feet, calves, shins
    - When: post-workout or recovery day

  • Quick Post-LR Reset

    Don't forget to Reset en route to your ice bath or shower. Use this quick routine to ease post-run stiffness in all the key areas in less than 5 minutes.
    - Focus: recovery
    - Key muscles: hamstrings, hips, glutes, back, shoulders
    - When: post-run/workout
    - Suggested prop: wall

  • A4Y Summer Streak — Free eBook Plan

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