Put Your Legs Up
Balance Your Nervous System
6m 37s
Let's talk about the Boss of recovery: Legs up the wall. This restorative posture recirculates the blood and any excess fluid in the legs, re-lengthens tight hamstrings, relaxes the low back and feet, and so much more. Spending time with your Legs up after a hard effort or long day is a meditation in itself, helping you to transition from work to rest.
Use this practice to take full advantage of this powerful setup so that you can ease lingering tension and tired muscles, and fully absorb all of your effort. Feel the difference real recovery makes!
Take your recovery practice further this week:
• Use Recovery and Meditation Collection videos. Also use Erin’s book Work IN (in A4Y Shop).
• Download your free A4Y Practice Plan to plan, track, and review each week.
• Share your practice using #athletesforyoga and #yourweeklya4ypractice — we love to cheer you on!
Up Next in Balance Your Nervous System
Let Go
Letting go is easier said than done. As stress and tension build up, so does imbalance, and often any resistance we have to letting go is an unconscious habit rather than intentional choice — we’re not even aware of just how much we’re holding on to.
Use this practice to become more aware of w...