How To Hit Reset Anytime Anywhere
CYP Weekly Plan: A Little, Often
8m 36s
Hit Reset on the go! Use this routine to bring more ease to your neck, shoulders, back, and hips, and find more balance wherever you are. Includes simple stretches you can do at your desk, on the bus, or anywhere you happen to be sitting. No one will even notice (if they do, they'll want to join you)!
- Focus: yoga for real
- Key muscles: hips, back, shoulders, neck
- When: anytime, anywhere
- Suggested prop: chair
Up Next in CYP Weekly Plan: A Little, Often
Quick Post-LR Reset
Don't forget to Reset en route to your ice bath or shower. Use this quick routine to ease post-run stiffness in all the key areas in less than 5 minutes.
- Focus: recovery
- Key muscles: hamstrings, hips, glutes, back, shoulders
- When: post-run/workout
- Suggested prop: wall -
Hammy Time
It's hammy time! For those times when you're out of gas and don't have much energy or time to stretch, use the wall to align and support your body while quickly re-lengthening stiff muscles. Includes a comprehensive hamstring Reset plus a hip opener. Shout out to Oiselle CEO Sally Bergesen for na...
Unwind Your Workday
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