Flexible Running Hamstrings
Hamstring Resets
Can't touch your toes? No big deal. Your hamstrings should be like rubber bands, not guitar strings. This Reset will encourage your hammies to become more elastic and increase the fluidity of your stride.
- Focus: hamstring flexibility
- Key muscles: hamstrings, hips
- When: pre- or post-workout
- Suggested props: blanket or pillow, blocks
Up Next in Hamstring Resets
Comprehensive Hip + Hamstring Reset
Use this comprehensive recovery routine for your hips and hamstrings to re-lengthen stiff hamstrings and restore hip range of motion. Enjoy the added bonus of easing low back pain and discomfort along the way. Includes Legs up the Wall and plenty of time for what's needed most post-workout: rest....
Hammy Time
It's hammy time! For those times when you're out of gas and don't have much energy or time to stretch, use the wall to align and support your body while quickly re-lengthening stiff muscles. Includes a comprehensive hamstring Reset plus a hip opener. Shout out to Oiselle CEO Sally Bergesen for na...
5-Minute Hamstring Reset
The combo of workouts and prolonged sitting leaves the hamstrings tight, dry, and stuck together — and not very happy. This quick Reset will increase circulation to this muscle group and help you to improve and maintain optimal flexibility.
- Focus: injury prevention, recovery
- Key muscles: hams...