CYP Weekly Plan: Balance
Create Your Practice Guidebook Page 27
What does balance look like for you and, more important, what does it feel like?
Anchor your practice plan this week with videos in CYP: Balance — prioritize videos that relate to your practice focus or goal, and broaden your video selection as you feel inspired. Aim for at least one video every day.
Find Your Center
Where is your center… really? Often our perception of where our center is doesn’t align with reality. We end up defaulting to patterns and positions that perpetuate our imbalances, even as we try to correct them.
Find your center! Use this Reset with Erin to put center into context by feeling h...
Balancing Breath
Set a tone of steadiness for the task ahead. This simple breath technique is calming and balancing — use it to start the day or pregame your workout or game/race.
- Focus: mental focus, balance
- When: pre- or post-workout
- Suggested prop: bolster or pillow -
Functional Core
Functional (practical) core strength means core muscles that are strong enough to safely and effectively power sport and life movement. Use this routine to build a foundation of deep core strength that will help you gain and sustain power when you walk, run, cycle, and more.
– Focus: core strengt... -
Balance Your Lower Body
One of the most common lower body imbalances is weak glutes, which fire a chain reaction of imbalances, usually affecting your hamstrings next.
Use this practice to self-test whether your glutes are doing their job, activate and strengthen these critical muscles, and stretch tight, overworked ha...
Balance Your Upper Body
The most common upper body and postural imbalance is caused by… sitting! We sit all the time, and this affects us by shortening and tightening the chest, and overstretching and weakening the upper back, resulting in slouchy posture.
Use this Balance Your Upper Body video to understand how sittin...
Stand and Balance
When is the last time you stood on one leg? Consider this: All your forward motion is a series of single leg balances. And yet, when we halt our usual pace and search for balance in stillness, it can feel illusive — we wobble, shake, and sometimes fall. Use this routine to strengthen your balance...
Standing Balance Flow
Challenge your standing balance while activating and strengthening your core and the muscles that stabilize your ankles, knees, and hips — adding more stability and power to all your movement.
- Focus: balance
- Key muscles: quads, hips, core
- When: pre-workout or cross-training -
Breathe to Balance
Your breath is your most powerful and accessible tool — you are always breathing and your breath is always available. Lengthening your exhale has a profound calming effect, activating your parasympathetic nervous system and helping you to slow your heart rate and relax.
Use this Reset to balance...
Core Balance
Use this core routine to activate and strengthen your front and back "packs" while moving your arms and legs in opposition — mimicking functional movement and easing muscular imbalances as you go.
– Focus: core strength
– Key muscles: core, back
– When: pre-workout or cross-training -
Establish a Blueprint for Center
Exclusive routine from HIT RESET: Revolutionary Yoga for Athletes!
You are engineered for balance, so it makes sense that you're at your best when you're in balance. Lying down with your feet on the wall mimics standing and gives you the opportunity to observe (without the work of standing and ba...