Find Your Center
CYP Weekly Plan: Balance
6m 30s
Where is your center… really? Often our perception of where our center is doesn’t align with reality. We end up defaulting to patterns and positions that perpetuate our imbalances, even as we try to correct them.
Find your center! Use this Reset with Erin to put center into context by feeling how balance supports your everyday movement. You’ll become more aware of how you’re moving, improve your posture, and gain a strong foundation to support you, no matter where you’re heading.
Take your balance practice further:
• Use Establish a Blueprint for Center, Stand and Balance, and Stand and Balance Flow. Find all suggested videos right here in Find Your Balance. Also use Self-Test videos from Erin’s debut book HIT RESET (in A4Y Shop).
• Download your free A4Y Practice Plan to plan, track, and review your week of balance.
• Share your practice using #athletesforyoga — we love to cheer you on!
Up Next in CYP Weekly Plan: Balance
Balancing Breath
Set a tone of steadiness for the task ahead. This simple breath technique is calming and balancing — use it to start the day or pregame your workout or game/race.
- Focus: mental focus, balance
- When: pre- or post-workout
- Suggested prop: bolster or pillow -
Functional Core
Functional (practical) core strength means core muscles that are strong enough to safely and effectively power sport and life movement. Use this routine to build a foundation of deep core strength that will help you gain and sustain power when you walk, run, cycle, and more.
– Focus: core strengt... -
Balance Your Lower Body
One of the most common lower body imbalances is weak glutes, which fire a chain reaction of imbalances, usually affecting your hamstrings next.
Use this practice to self-test whether your glutes are doing their job, activate and strengthen these critical muscles, and stretch tight, overworked ha...