Mama Meditation
5m 25s
Use this quick meditation to slow down significantly, create more space, and relax back into yourself amid the demands of motherhood.
- Focus: mental focus, recovery
- When: whenever you can!
- Suggested prop: bolster or pillow
Up Next in Meditation
Balancing Breath
Set a tone of steadiness for the task ahead. This simple breath technique is calming and balancing — use it to start the day or pregame your workout or game/race.
- Focus: mental focus, balance
- When: pre- or post-workout
- Suggested prop: bolster or pillow -
Make Balance Your Baseline Meditation
Beneath stress, illness, and injury, you possess an innate knowledge — a baseline — of where you're meant to be and that is a state of balance. Use this simple meditation to establish and maintain that baseline so that you can more easefully manage whatever comes at you.
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Recovery Visualization
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