Use Yoga Like A Triathlete
Use yoga like a triathlete this week! And, no, you don’t have to be a triathlete to benefit from these Resets — We’ve picked 7 routines that, while being triathlon-specific, also address universal athlete problems and human imbalances. Also includes one of A4Y Pro Chelsea Sodaro's most used videos: Preventative Medicine for Lower Legs + Feet.
We can all learn from triathletes’ versatility, time management skills, and practice of intentional (and literal) transitions. Plus triathletes are some of the most time poor athletes we coach, so most of our yoga for triathletes videos are around 5 minutes.
Pre-Swim Warm Up
Use this quick pre-swim routine to harmonize your shoulder mobility and stability, activate your core, and optimize your breathing for the strokes ahead.
- Focus: warm up, performance
- Key muscles: core, back, chest, shoulders, neck
- When: pre-swim -
Swim to Bike Transition Optimizer
After you swim, get the most out of your ride by optimizing the transition from the water to your bike. Use this routine during your training to practice staying focused and relaxed while you shift from horizontal to vertical, and activate a different set of muscles to power your movement in the ...
Optimize Your Riding Position
Balance strength and flexibility to maintain great form on your bike. Use this routine pre-ride or on cross-training days to strengthen key muscles including your glutes, back, and core, and improve flexibility in key muscles including your hips and chest so that you can get the most out of your ...
Post-Ride Upper Body Reset
Optimize your post-ride recovery with this quick routine to ease lingering stiffness and tension in your chest, shoulders, neck, and more.
- Focus: recovery
- Key muscles: back, chest, shoulders, wrists, neck
- When: post-ride or recovery day
- Suggested prop: wall -
Pre-Run Warm Up
Use this quick pre-run routine to activate your breath and encourage turnover while warming up all your key running muscles quickly including your glutes, core, and back to optimize the miles ahead.
- Focus: performance, warm up
- Key muscles: glutes, core, back
- When: pre-run -
Preventative Medicine for Lower Legs + Feet
Maintaining fluidity in your lower legs is key for preventing foot, calf, and shin pain and injuries. Use this routine as preventative medicine for the structures and muscles below your knees. Includes the most effective tactic for stretching your calves, foot stretches, toe alignment, and more.
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Comprehensive Reset for Triathletes
Use this full body Reset to ease lingering stiffness and tension and restore range of motion to all your key swim, cycle, and run muscles in less than 25 minutes. Use it to relax deeply absorb the benefits of all your hard work, and make space for the training ahead.
- Focus: recovery
- Key muscl...