Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Use Welcome Home daily to frame your day. This set of practices will help you reflect on what has happened, look forward with enthusiasm, and settle into balance, right where you are.

The events of the day extend us outward. And as we move through our work, training, and life, staying grounded in what matters, what is needed, and how best to support ourselves is a practice that optimizes everything we do.

Using yoga is an inward movement, a homecoming that hones our perspective, fine tunes our balance, and increases our resilience. When we slow down and create space to review and plan, this helps us to Reset — to come home. And it's this slowing down that is what enables us to accelerate radically, and better than before. Whether you’re warming up or winding down, use these practices to welcome yourself home, again and again.

Welcome Home
  • Free Welcome Home Guidebook

    1 item

  • Good Morning Meditation

    Use this practice to welcome yourself to your day, align yourself with how you want to feel, and set the tone for the events to come.

    - Focus: mental focus, warm up
    - When: morning
    - Suggested prop: bolster or pillow

  • Morning Warm Up

    Use this full body wake up routine to warm and align joints, activate and strengthen key muscles, and connect to your breath.

    - Focus: warm up
    - Key muscles: wrists, spine, hamstrings, hips, shoulders
    - When: morning
    - Suggested prop: bolster or pillow

  • Good Evening Meditation

    Use this practice to welcome yourself to your evening, review how you’ve moved through your day, and release any lingering tension as you transition from work to rest.

    - Focus: mental focus, recovery
    - When: evening
    - Suggested prop: bolster or pillow

  • Evening Wind Down

    Use this routine to wind down your day. Shift your focus into your body, restore fluidity to joints and key muscles, release any lingering tension, and transition to recovery.

    - Focus: recovery
    - Key muscles: wrists, spine, hamstrings, hips, shoulders
    - When: evening
    - Suggested prop: bolster o...