Work IN

Work IN

Use these videos to harness recovery's superpowers, connect the dots of real recovery, and optimize everything you do in sport and life. We designed these videos to help to bring Work IN book to life, perfect to use alongside the book. Or if you don't have the book, these videos will give you a great preview of what it's all about!

All the Work IN videos include a pre/post practice check in — a pause to notice how you feel. These observations help you to establish a baseline of where you’re at, become more aware of the effects of your practice, absorb the benefits, and increase your motivation to continue.

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Work IN
  • A4Y Practice Plan

    970 KB

    This 1-month practice plan will help you get real — more aware and actionable — about how you will use yoga to move towards your goals:

    • Print or fill it out digitally. 
    • Start each week by naming your goals: Identify the physical or mental Reset you need most and make a plan. 
    • Review what w...

  • Recovery Visualization

    Exclusive routine from Work IN: The Athlete's Plan for Real Recovery and Winning Results!
    If you are feeling resistance to giving recovery your full focus, remember that this is likely an unconscious habit rather than a choice. Especially in the times when you are struggling to transition from ef...

  • Recovery Boost

    Exclusive routine from Work IN: The Athlete's Plan for Real Recovery and Winning Results!
    Relax deeply using static (still) postures, making use of the wall as a prop, to open the body and encourage deep physical and mental relaxation. Use this routine to Work IN.
    Includes a pre/post practice che...

  • Full Body Mobility

    Exclusive routine from Work IN: The Athlete's Plan for Real Recovery and Winning Results!
    Gently mobilize your body to increase fluidity to muscles, surrounding tissues, and joints to ease stiffness and restore range of motion. Use this routine to Work IN.
    Includes a pre/post practice check in — ...

  • Extended Exhalation Breath

    Exclusive routine from Work IN: The Athlete's Plan for Real Recovery and Winning Results!
    Lengthening your exhale has a profound calming effect on your nervous system, helping you to slow your heart rate and relax. Use this routine to Work IN.
    Includes a pre/post practice check in — a pause to no...