Full Body Balance + Strength

Full Body Balance + Strength

Use these videos to build the foundation of functional — practical — strength every athlete needs to perform their best over the longterm.

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Full Body Balance + Strength
  • A4Y Practice Plan

    970 KB

    This 1-month practice plan will help you get real — more aware and actionable — about how you will use yoga to move towards your goals:

    • Print or fill it out digitally. 
    • Start each week by naming your goals: Identify the physical or mental Reset you need most and make a plan. 
    • Review what w...

  • Full Body Core

    Use this core routine to work your entire body as the integrated unit it's designed to be by incorporating your shoulders and upper back, plus your extremities. Includes core activation and plank variations to increase your total body strength and stability.
    – Focus: core strength
    – Key muscles: ...

  • Morning Warm Up Flow with Stephanie Howe

    Wake up and get ready to run! Join professional ultra and trail runner Stephanie Howe for her full body morning warm up routine to wake up your breath, mind, and body, and to express gratitude for the day ahead.
    - Focus: warm up
    - Key muscles: calves, achilles, hamstrings, hips, core, back, shoul...

  • Standing Balance Flow

    Challenge your standing balance while activating and strengthening your core and the muscles that stabilize your ankles, knees, and hips — adding more stability and power to all your movement.
    - Focus: balance
    - Key muscles: quads, hips, core
    - When: pre-workout or cross-training

  • Core Balance

    Use this core routine to activate and strengthen your front and back "packs" while moving your arms and legs in opposition — mimicking functional movement and easing muscular imbalances as you go.
    – Focus: core strength
    – Key muscles: core, back
    – When: pre-workout or cross-training

  • Functional Core

    Functional (practical) core strength means core muscles that are strong enough to safely and effectively power sport and life movement. Use this routine to build a foundation of deep core strength that will help you gain and sustain power when you walk, run, cycle, and more.
    – Focus: core strengt...

  • Balancing Breath

    Set a tone of steadiness for the task ahead. This simple breath technique is calming and balancing — use it to start the day or pregame your workout or game/race.
    - Focus: mental focus, balance
    - When: pre- or post-workout
    - Suggested prop: bolster or pillow

  • Establish a Balanced Foundation

    Use this routine to become more aware of how you're standing and intentionally correct your stance back toward center from the ground up. When you establish a balanced foundation, your body can more readily find optimal alignment, which will help you improve your posture and biomechanics for any ...

  • Make Balance Your Baseline Meditation

    Beneath stress, illness, and injury, you possess an innate knowledge — a baseline — of where you're meant to be and that is a state of balance. Use this simple meditation to establish and maintain that baseline so that you can more easefully manage whatever comes at you.
    - Focus: mental focus, ba...