5 Minutes

5 Minutes

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5 Minutes
  • Pre-Run Warm Up

    Use this quick pre-run routine to activate your breath and encourage turnover while warming up all your key running muscles quickly including your glutes, core, and back to optimize the miles ahead.
    - Focus: performance, warm up
    - Key muscles: glutes, core, back
    - When: pre-run

  • Establish a Balanced Foundation

    Use this routine to become more aware of how you're standing and intentionally correct your stance back toward center from the ground up. When you establish a balanced foundation, your body can more readily find optimal alignment, which will help you improve your posture and biomechanics for any ...

  • Prenatal Meditation for Trust + Surrender

    During pregnancy (like many times in life) the only thing we really have control over is your ability to let go. To do this, we need to trust and surrender to the process. Use this quick meditation to become more aware of tension in your mind and body, and to let it go so that you can more easefu...

  • 5-Minute Hamstring Reset

    The combo of workouts and prolonged sitting leaves the hamstrings tight, dry, and stuck together — and not very happy. This quick Reset will increase circulation to this muscle group and help you to improve and maintain optimal flexibility.
    - Focus: injury prevention, recovery
    - Key muscles: hams...

  • Build Your Home Studio — Prop Swap

    Set up your home studio without buying a single prop. A4Y Founder + Head Coach Erin Taylor shows you prop swaps to get more out of your Reset, wherever you are.

  • Recovery Visualization

    Exclusive routine from Work IN: The Athlete's Plan for Real Recovery and Winning Results!
    If you are feeling resistance to giving recovery your full focus, remember that this is likely an unconscious habit rather than a choice. Especially in the times when you are struggling to transition from ef...

  • How To Refocus Meditation

    Use this quick meditation to supercharge energy back into the task at hand, gain metal clarity, and sharpen your focus.
    - Focus: mental focus, performance
    - When: pre-or mid-workout/workday
    - Suggested prop: bolster or pillow

  • 5-Minute Shoulder Reset

    Shoulder stiffness and tension — sound familiar? This quick Reset will bring relief to this area by opening and increasing circulation to the muscles of your shoulders, upper back, and chest.
    - Focus: injury prevention, recovery
    - Key muscles: back, chest, shoulders
    - When: post-workout or recove...

  • 5-Minute Chest Reset

    Stiff pecs flop your posture forward and make you susceptible to shoulder injuries. This quick Reset will re-establish the space across your chest to improve your posture, optimize your breathing, and boost your energy.
    - Focus: injury prevention, recovery
    - Key muscles: chest, shoulders
    - When: ...